Sponsorship and Advertising
This web-site is run for the benefit of ceiling hoist users around the world and the aims are:
- To let other ceiling track hoist users know about the new facilities and when more come on line.
- To build up a strong business case backed by support from people who need these facilities worldwide, to encourage others to install hoists in their accommodation.
- To gather what little information there is on accommodation offering ceiling track hoists as an easily accessible resource for individuals and for organisations wishing, for instance, to book accessible venues for their events.
- To provide a “meeting place” for those of use who use ceiling track hoists to share information and experiences and widen the campaign for more hoists.
CHuC is a not-for-profit organisation. Our only income is from the Google Adverts shown on our home page. We do not make any charge to list accommodation providers or hoist suppliers and is in no way connected to any of the companies or organisations listed on the website. Running this web-site takes money and resources so we would welcome support from suitable organisations to build and develop this into a place where users, service providers and equipment providers can all come together for the benefit of each other. If you would like to discuss support please contact us
We also now offer sponsored advertising for suitable ceiling hoist related products and services via banner and side bar adverts which appear on every page. The space can be purchased on a monthly or annual basis and includes a link to your own website and statistics on how many times the advert has been displayed and how many times it has been clicked on. Please contact us for rates.